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aifabu2年前 (2021-09-13)本地资讯4
2021年量子沙盘 4月28日发(作者:华懋科技(603306)华懋科技)

What is love?

Love is an eternal topic, but what is love? As far as I am
concerned, love is the most mystical emotion in our heart which
makes us feel happy,satisfied,or sad. Love is also the sincere
emotion 淘金客博客 springing from heart as the boiled water spilling out of the
kettle. 中石化股票代码 Without love, our life will be gloomy and insignificant;
Without love, the world is wilderness. Love is so necessary in our
life just as the thread in the quilt. Of course, there are many kinds of
love, such as parental love, fraternal love, 全球主要股指 romantic love, and so on.
Parental love is the most unselfish and greatest love in the
world. We never know the |519021 love of parents until we become parents
ourselves. I still remember one story about a squab and a hunting
dog. 601099股吧 While the hunting dog was attacking the squab, the mother bird
flew down from the tree without hesitation to protect her baby and
the parental love made the dog gave in eventually. Animals can do
this, not to speak of us human beings. Our parents gave us life and
brought us up; They taught us to be good men and took care 沪市大盘指数of us
without any complaint. This is parental love which will protect and
support us forever.
A true friend is the one who overlooks our failures and tolerates
our successes. When we meet difficulties, our friends will never look 600630股吧
on with folded arms. As Charlotte dedicates her life to keep Wilbur
alive by netting different words on the delicate web jadedly. This is
friendship which is a golden blossom between true friends.
It is said that the love story itself is not 股票601636 important, the
importance is that one is capable of instance, Jack promised
Rose that he would never give her up. Another example is that Wale
tried hard to protect Eve with clumsy behaviors but genuine heart.
This is romantic love which is like a rose, bringing us happiness and

Above all, if 摩恩电气股票 life is a quilt, love should be a thread. It can hardly
be seen, but it really exists. Without it, life |601399 becomes meaningless.

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